This is the place for students of the DumbSaint Project to show off their stuff, get feedback from their peers, and us. Non-students also welcome!

Monday, 25 July 2011

John Robin's Sixty Second Scribbles

John Robin is nearly 8, we met him at Larmertree to do a sixty second scribble. He only had sixty seconds to write a story when given a word. The words were bubblegum, star and diamond.

Rotini Ronamifo was chewing gum but he was on the loo so it fell in just after the loo filled up with milk.

Emma was wearing a panda bear hat and kept eating stardust. On Sunday, the panda grew lucky because it inhaled stardust.

Diamonds have carats which don't like being eaten by Bugs Bunny, even though he kisses them beforehand. Once, he forgot to kiss them so they punctured his intestines.

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